A digital anthology of the 2012 summer session

Angers, Frustrations, and Nerves of Mine

     Warning: If you do not want symptoms of frustration, anger, and clenched fists, I suggest you don’t read this. It is for your own good.

     It bugs me when someone answers the teacher to “times it” instead of multiply it.

     My mom was on the phone almost the WHOLE TIME we were driving to school! I wish it hadn’t happened because I love to talk to her. ARG!

     It annoys me when someone says something and I didn’t do ANYTHING about it! I get really bugged when my brother uses his baby voice and he thinks it’s funny, but it’s just plain ANNOYING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     I can’t stand it when people bully my brother at school and I can’t do anything about it! I wish I could be there to tell them to just BACK OFF! I hate it when my dad goes on business trips all the time because he has so much territory. When he is home, he plays tennis with friends.  I know he likes to spend time with us, but it feels like we never do! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

     I really dislike when I hear about terrorist attacks and cruel rulers. I dislike it when commercial, charity, or campaign people call all the time! I don’t get when people date each other at too young an age! Yuck!


The Footsies at the Red Carpet

     Here they are…the Footsies!  Don’t even know that they’re a foot!  We’re at the Red Carpet!  There’s Jim Footsagain, Footsipher Lopez, Footsin Beiber, Toesie Kate, and Ashley Olson.  Footsin Beiber just made his single, “If I Was Your Footfriend”.

     Here is one of his fans:  “I love Footsin Beiber because he’s so cute…and….and…”

     “Okay, well, Footsin Beiber also won his first Handie Award last Saturday.  Tom, what’s happening over there?

     “Well, that’s Footsies Handicopter (which Footsihper insisted on painting its nails), and it is coming down to pick them up and take them to Hawaii for a long vacation.  They won’t be back soon folks, so say goodbye.”

     “Thank you, Tom!  Well that’s all the Red Carpet news.  See you later!”

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